Fourth Issue – August 2020


The GOEASY project contributes to the consolidation of an environmentally aware and engaged public community in the EU, while delivering added value innovative solutions for Location Based Services and opening new scenarios and opportunities for Smart City solutions.

If you are curious to know what happened in the last few months, here below you can find a selection of news and topics. To discover even more: read our blog and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Coronavirus Global Response

The European Commission has made a significant contribution to the Coronavirus Global Response pledge with €1 billion mobilized by Horizon 2020.
Together, we are stronger: EU research and innovation brings Europe’s leading scientists and innovators together to coordinate efforts across the EU and beyond to tackle the coronavirus crisis.

The GOEASY project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme – as part of this programme we share its values in these unprecedented times.


Due to the Coronavirus emergency, the last plenary meetings were held remotely, nonetheless with all our partners putting all their efforts on the project implementation! From Turin, Florence, Madrid, Bonn and Stockholm, all partners were connected to deliver a great work together!

Due to the current emergency, a project extension is discussed with the Commission – in order to implement the field trials when the emergency will be hopefully passed.

The apps developed for the field trials, AsthmaWatch and GoPongo, saw huge progress in their implementations – a first internal pilot with beta-testers is ongoing for GoPongo!

The integration of the system is even more advanced – the team had shown great commitment even in this delicate situation.

Platform Integration Scheme


Discover more about the OSNMA and its implementation in the GOEASY platform, thanks to Dr. Gianluca Marucco of LINKS Foundation – Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society.

For code-lovers… the GOEASY platform is present also on Github:, thanks to Dr. Sisay Adugna Chala of Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology.


The GOEASY project is delivering innovative services and enablers for industry and smart cities, leveraging on Galileo’s GNSS technologies.
An ethical and innovative use of Galileo positioning:


GOEASY results are useful to decision-makers to access solutions that overcome some trade-offs between the collection of citizen data and privacy & security issues.


Galileo positioning services can provide higher accuracy, precision and dependability than other positioning systems.


GOEASY increases confidence of users, developers and organizations in the security of their data, adding layers of validation enhanced by Galileo.